A little history about my encounter with birdwatching or birding as it is also known...Up until this spring I spent my whole life (42 years) not really paying any attention to birds and never understood why anyone would want to birdwatch as a hobby or even have a bird as a pet...I'm a dog person all the way! One day in late April I was in my backyard and I noticed a nest in my tree. I thought this was kind of exciting because this is the first time this tree has ever had a nest and it's the only tree in my yard. I watched for awhile to see if the nest was being used. Sure enough, I photographed this American Robin putting the finishing touches on her work of art. Just to give you and example of how much I didn't know about birds a few weeks ago, I didn't even know this bird was a Robin!
I can't remember if this is the male or female Robin but I couldn't resist taking this photo complete with dirt on his/her beak from grabbing worms!
It didn't take long after finding this nest for me to become obsessed with the idea of watching this bird raise a family right in my yard. I envisioned all the great photo opportunities I would get as the nestlings beame fledglings and took their first flight. I immediatley got online and learned all there was to learn about American Robins. I could tell when she was laying her eggs and I knew when she was done because she rarely left the nest and when she did it was for a very short time. I became very curious to see how many eggs she had so I waited patiently for her to fly a safe distance away and I climbed on the shed roof and quickly took this photo on May 7, 2009 ...
As I was missing my robin, I quckly noticed a little bird fly up into my gutter. After watching this little bird for awhile, I realized she had a nest up there. At the time I first noticed her, I had no idea what kind of bird she was as I'm so new to this stuff. She was fast and I could never get a good look at her. This is the picture I took the day I noticed her...
I decided now that I enjoy watching the birds in my yard, I may as well get a bird feeder and a birdbath so they will stay around awhile. Here are some pics I took:
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