....and I made a little movie to pay tribute. Enjoy!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Water Wiggler

Here's a little video:
Friday, October 7, 2011
Blue Jay

This isn't the first time I've seen these vibrant Blue Jays in my backyard, but I see them so rarely that I welcome their beautiful blue color!
blue jay
Thursday, October 6, 2011

This was a first sighting for me! I thought they were baby Chickadees until I learned that they were, in fact a group of Bushtits! Cute little things and I've only had them visit this one time that I'm aware of. Sort of a "now you see us, now you don't" kind of visit!!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Chipping Sparrow

This photo was taken in my backyard on Sept. 30, 2011. About the same time every afternoon for about a week, a fairly good size group of Chipping Sparrows fluttered to and fro amongst the trees, chittering and chattering a happy tune. Little buggers were difficult to get a photo of, though. This was the best I could do, considering the rapid movement of my target. Not a great focus but at least enough I could figure out what kinds of birds I was listening to!
chipping sparrow
Monday, October 3, 2011
Common Grackle

About mid September, I had a whole large flock of common Grackles race through my yard like a motorcycle gang! There must have been a hundred of them. In that last photo above, I can count over 20 and the rest were in my trees. They didn't stay long but they sure made a lot of noise while they were here!
common grackle
Sunday, October 2, 2011
American Robin with Crossed Beak

american robin,
cross beak,
deformed beak,
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Unfortunate House Finch with Avian Pox?

This unfortunate female House Finch showed up at my feeder a couple of days ago (Oct 4th) and I immediately noticed something different about her behavior. First, she was alone and this time of year the finches are starting to really gather in flocks for protection but this gal was sitting on my feeder, not eating, just sitting. OK, she did eat a seed or two but not much. I sat and watched her for the longest time. I got out my camera to see if I could see signs of eye disease but I think her eyes look fine (maybe not? ). Eventually, I moved a little closer and she flew to the fence where I spotted her ailment...a bad foot. She then flew up into the tree where she stayed, perched with one foot and sleeping at times, for at least another half-hour. I had to leave for a bit and when I cam back she was gone. In general, just by her behavior, I don't think she was a well bird. She seemed to be in pain but there was nothing I could do. I called a bird rehab and they said if she can fly away, there's nothing they could do and the hope it that she will eventually heal. I hope so!!!!
Edited to add that according to some opinions on my Flickr page, this bird seems to be suffering from Avian Pox. The best thing for me to do is disinfect my feeders to discourage spreading of this contagious disease.

avian pox,
house finch foot deformity
Saturday, July 30, 2011
House Finch Nest and Farewell To a Tree

house finch,
pine tree
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Cooper's Hawk Nest was Successful!

2011 colorado,
cooper's hawk nest
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Birds By The Lake
red-winged blackbird,
western meadowlark
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Mourning Dove

During the time of Kayla's last weeks, I continued to follow a couple of nests that I will soon be blogging about. Also I have some misc photos of the ever-present House Finches in my yard and a couple photos from our camping trip. Stay tuned while I get caught up...
mourning dove
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Colorful New Visitor!

I was a bit down about the House Finch nest being abandon this morning but was quickly cheered up when I looked out my kitchen window and saw a very colorful new bird at my feeder! A Western Tanager!!! A first sighting for me and even more exciting that all I had to do to see him was look out my window. He was a welcome sight on this dreary, rainy, cold spring day! So far he has been hanging around all day coming and going to my feeder and the nearby trees. I hope he decides to stay.
Western tanager
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