As long as there have been bird feeders, there have been issues with squirrels. I thought I had it good because right after I put up my feeder, I made this post about my
Squirrel baffle. That was almost a year ago. It worked like a charm all through the winter months with the two squirrels being content with the dropped seed and the apple cores(I gave them almost daily). Well, my luck ran out. Just about a month ago, I noticed a squirrel on my feeder. I have a suspicion that this is a new squirrel because about the time I saw him on the feeder, I started noticing 3 instead of 2 squirrels in my yard. Regardless of that, there is now a squirrel on my feeder about 85% of the time emptying it at a rapid pace. I finally reached my limit when I saw him carry off almost a whole suet cake!!!
During this time, I decided I wanted to try to attract some Goldfinches to my yard so I bought a 2-pack of Finch socks try.

Well, I never did see any Goldfinches but I did see this...

He loved the stuff!
I decided that I would try a new tactic. I kept some loaded mega-squirt rods on the deck and whenever I saw the squirrel I sent the boys out to give him a squirt. That worked well for a few days. He got wise and it got to that and as soon as the boys came back inside, he was back on, minutes later.

So, down went the bird feeder with the suet cages on the side, down came the torn finch sock, up went just my tube feeder with a new baffle on top and a suet cage with 'Hot pepper' flavor. It wasn't even a day before I witnessed this horrific scene....lol! ;)

He's actually using the baffle to his advantage!!! Argh!
So, now I have another plan (this squirrel is really starting to cost some money!). We have on order from Amazon
THIS FEEDER. It got some great reviews so we'll see. It should arrive tomorrow so I'll post an update....