Howdy!!! If you still follow this blog, you're in for a treat because I have lots of pics to post ans will be getting to it very soon I promise!!! I will start with the most recent and eventually work my way through them all for you to enjoy.
This unfortunate female House Finch showed up at my feeder a couple of days ago (Oct 4th) and I immediately noticed something different about her behavior. First, she was alone and this time of year the finches are starting to really gather in flocks for protection but this gal was sitting on my feeder, not eating, just sitting. OK, she did eat a seed or two but not much. I sat and watched her for the longest time. I got out my camera to see if I could see signs of eye disease but I think her eyes look fine (maybe not? ). Eventually, I moved a little closer and she flew to the fence where I spotted her ailment...a bad foot. She then flew up into the tree where she stayed, perched with one foot and sleeping at times, for at least another half-hour. I had to leave for a bit and when I cam back she was gone. In general, just by her behavior, I don't think she was a well bird. She seemed to be in pain but there was nothing I could do. I called a bird rehab and they said if she can fly away, there's nothing they could do and the hope it that she will eventually heal. I hope so!!!!
Edited to add that according to some opinions on my Flickr page, this bird seems to be suffering from Avian Pox. The best thing for me to do is disinfect my feeders to discourage spreading of this contagious disease.

On another note....the squirrell is still trying to figure out how to get the seed out of that feeder. He gets his fair share of dropped seed and suet plus the corn and apples I give him. He's a well fed squirrel!!!