For those of you enjoying my blog, I do wish to apologize for the lack of variety in the birds I blog about. Since I do 99% of my birding in my backyard, I'm limited to photographing the birds that come to me since I rarely go searching elsewhere for them (at least not with my camera, anyway)!
I must admit, my visitors are getting used to me and my camera. They don't even seemed to be bothered by my new, rather threatening looking new lens, lol! I am grateful for the nice variety I do have in my yard but I still wish I would get an American Goldfinch or maybe a Blue Jay again. I hear the Jays in the trees but can't ever see them. I had a goldfinch land in my tree long enough for me to snap a photo through my (dirty) window with my point-and-shoot camera but it showed up a a yellow blob only! That was two weeks ago and not even a hint of it showing up again :( I even heard a Magpie nearby but couldn't locate it either. On another note, while sitting on my deck this evening I heard an American Robin and I soaked in it's song as I feel it will be the last time I hear it until the spring. I already miss them! The photos above were taken this morning. I had two female and on male Downy hang around for quite awhile. The White and Red-breasted Nuthatches showed up again along with the Flickers and Finches but no Chickadees today!