Nearly everyday, I take my dog (and 2 boys) for a walk on Ralston Creek Trail. We walk by a little pond with the usual Mallard ducks and Canada Geese. Every once in awhile we have a new visitor passing through. On this day, it was a Snow Goose! He was brought to my attention by a couple of neighborhood birders. I can't say I would've noticed him among the Canada Geese because I really don't pay a whole lot of attention to them as there are so many of them. This was earlier in the day and I didn't have my camera with me. I didn't get back to get photos of him until evening. Luckily he was still there and I had just enough light to get some photos. The next day he was gone so I'm glad I went back. The Red-tailed Hawk was hanging around this same pond pretty much all day, too. He was still there the next day :)
It has been sooo dry her this fall and water must be hard to come by for the birds. The word got out that I had water so the Robins came back with more friends and this time they brought with them a European Starling. It was the first time I had one of these in my yard and boy was it thirsty!!!
I had a few pieces of cornbread leftover so I threw them out on the grass to see which critters would go for it. Turns out the squirrel snatched the pieces right up and didn't share any with the birds!
We've been having a very mild December here in Colorado this year and I think the birds are really enjoying it! I know I am! On my walk last weekend (Dec 5th) I was welcomed by a flock of at least 20 or 30 Robins just fluttering about and singing like it was spring. It really made me wish for spring but it will be here soon enough, I suppose. I used to think Robins flew away to warmer climates for the winter but I recently found out they just flock together and hide away from urban lawns and live on berries during the winter months. When I returned home from my walk, I noticed a couple of Robins in my yard so I had to grab my camera. While I had it out there, I also got a shot of a 2 American Goldfinches, a Blue Jay and a first sighting of a Yellow-shafted Northern Flicker(in addition to my regular visitors)! What fun to see so much activity in my yard in December!
Project Feederwatch started in November so I've been keeping track of my visitors every Tuesday and Wednesday. Other than that, I've been so busy with holiday preparation, cross-stitching ( a post about that coming soon) and just life that I haven't had much time to get my camera out to the bird feeder. However, I did manage this shot of one of 'my' Flickers. I think I can call him mine since he and his female are on my suet just about every time I look out my window, lol! Enjoy!
I forgot to share this cute hummingbird my son got at the bird festival this past summer. There is Colorado artist named Dan Crump that makes these beautiful hand-blown hummingbirds. He made this one for my son while we watched! I have always LOVED watching glass blowers!